Singing Lessons Testimonials

Originals can be seen on request.

Mrs M A S BA Hons PGCE Singer / Teacher Singing Teaching and General Testimonial: “I have known Adriene since student days, and we have remained friends ever since. Whilst studying for a degree in Classics at UC. I decided to take private singing lessons. Adriene was my teacher, and with her skill, encouragement, support and friendship, I went on to pass all my exams with distinction. After completing my degree, I went on to complete a PGCE in music and spent many happy years aa a secondary school music teacher. I always remember Adriene’s warmth and caring approach to her students and her unfailing belief in them. I used this model very successfully in my own teaching. Adriene is naturally bubbly, fun and incredibly generous and retains her warmth, caring and vivacious nature.”

Mr C R S – Singing, Flute and Piano Lessons and General Testimonial: “I write to confirm that I have known Adriene Ellis for some 8 years now. From enquiries I made, Adriene was recommended as a music teacher, and I would have no hesitation in making a similar recommendation myself. Quite apart from her musical ability, her enthusiasm and unfailing good humour are remarkable, and from a personal point of view, my daughter, whom Adriene taught, advised and helped, would be nowhere advanced as she is, had we gone elsewhere for tuition, Adriene has taught her singing, flute and piano. As a family, we count ourselves fortunate to know her.”

Mrs A P M MA GTCL PGCE FISM University Lecturer in Music – Singing Teaching and General Testimonial: “I have know Adriene Ellis since our music student days at Trinity College of Music. I have also had the pleasure of accompanying Adriene’s exceptionally beautiful soprano voice in various London Concerts. Adriene is a superb teacher and she kindly gave my 12 year old son some wonderful coaching lessons for his grade 7 singing exam, even though she had a busy schedule and it should have been her day of rest. Adriene’s personality is warm and friendly, she would put even the most nervous pupils at ease. Her communication of technique, interpretation and presentation is outstanding. Adriene is one of the most dedicated professional musicians I know and a truly inspirational teacher”.

Miss F W – Dancer: Singing Teaching Testimonial: “Adriene, I’m writing to thank you for your help. I recently auditioned at a Performing Arts School and gained a scholarship. The confidence you gave me in singing, definitely helped me gaining this placement. Thank you again for your help.”

Miss S – Dancer / Dancing Teacher: Singing Teaching Testimonial: “Thank you so much for all your help and guidance. You are a wonderful teacher and if it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t be going to Germany singing and dancing in musical theatre.

STUDENTS’ CONCERTS CRITIQUE: Bucks Examiner – Basil Ashmore: “Young Artists Show Talent – Adriene Ellis’ tenth concert at the Elgiva Hall Chesham given by so many of her numerous pupils, that the individual items numbered no fewer than 49. Such a wealth of music made it difficult to mention more than a handful of youthful artists involved, but all, including the tiny tots, created a highly varied and very interesting programme. Adriene Ellis has once again proved that she knows how to find and to encourage local talent.”

Mr C J B – Singer: Singing Teaching Testimonial: “It is a pleasure and honour to be taught by a lady who has such a wonderful voice and mastery of the pianoforte. I have been taught by Ms Ellis for just a few months and already I experience different quality in my voice. There is no doubt that Ms Ellis brings out the best in me by persevering until I get it right. My questions are always answered well and I always feel I have achieved some valuable point each lesson. Since starting lessons with Ms Ellis I am co-starring in a music and have been asked to perform more. But more important, lessons are always enjoyable, and there is never a dull moment.”

Music Teaching and Character Testimonial, especially for parents of the youngest students, written for a Dubai Music School by colleague and brother Gregory Ellis FRAM: “Adriene Ellis is a highly accomplished and experienced teacher of singing, flute and piano with a proven track record of success with students of all ages. As her brother, I can attest to her great compassion and dedication particularly when teaching young people, her tenacity in the face of challenges, her creativity and enthusiasm, not to mention her very high standard of skill on her three instruments. We performed together professionally on numerous occasions in the past. She would be an asset to any forward looking school of music”. Gregory Ellis FRAM then leader of RTE Vanbrugh Quartet – nb. Youtube: VQ CHI Christopher Marwood 5.57mins, VQCH2PT2 Christopher Marwood 7.12mins , Alexander Alyabiev-Piano Quintet The Vanbrugh Quartet and Olga Solovieva – piano – 13.04mins, Music at UCC: RTE Vanbrugh Quartet with William Butt Schubert String Quintet 9.52 mins., RTE Vanbrugh String Quartet in Slane 18th October (nb students – rehearsing with metronome!), RTE Vanbrugh Quartet Classics, The Vanbrugh Quartet Discography:, RTE Vanbrugh Quartet Beethoven Complete String Quartets on INTIM MUSIC, and on You Tube: RTE Vanbrugh Quartet Beethoven. Adriene, ever grateful to have spent any time performing with her incredibly busy performing brother Gregory, cherishes the few concerts together. Critiques to be found on the Alexandra Trio page.

Mrs C de S : Singing Teaching Testimonial: “Because of the excellent tuition given by Ms Ellis, our son D has won a major Choral Scholarship to Ampleforth College Junior School. We have found Ms Ellis to be a highly competent teacher who has been able to develop our son’s abilities to the maximum. Last Saturday, we were privileged to hear many of Ms Ellis’ current pupils to sing at a concert and we were impressed by the standards that have been achieved.”

The Hon Mrs A S – Singing and Flute Teaching Testimonial: “I have known Adriene Ellis for two years, giving flute lessons to my daughter and singing lessons to my niece. Adriene is a musician first and foremost with a natural gift for teaching, which she obviously loves. She is totally professional and combines a firm but gentle and encouraging insistence on the basics of improving technique, posture and general presentation with an ability to “draw out” her pupils musical qualities and individuality. As she accompanies her pupils on the piano they benefit from the “discipline” imposed on them by playing with others. In addition to the lessons, Adriene encourages her pupils to participate in music festivals and arranges concerts to give them experience and confidence in performing. Her enthusiasm and energy seem boundless and she imparts these qualities and her love of music.

Mrs H C – Linguistics and Instrumental Teacher: Singing Teaching Testimonial: “After 40 years as an enthusiastic amateur and occasionally semi-pro but untutored singer, combined with a career using the voice to help people learn, amongst other things German and French, guitar playing and piano, I decided I needed professional help. Adriene has started the overhaul with patience dynamism and an immense amount of skill and experience, already the sore throats have gone, no more voice strain at the end of the day, stamina is improving … and with her help and humour, I am beginning to tackle new musical challenges.”

Mrs M A – Primary Teacher : Singing and Piano Teaching Testimonial: “Ms Adriene Ellis is my children’s piano and singing teacher. Under her supervision and guidance, my children have enjoyed their music immensely and have each attained distinctions in their exams. Ms Ellis encourages them at Music Festivals, where one of them won a silver cup.”

Mrs A C H: Singing Teaching Testimonial: “My daughter has been receiving singing lessons with Miss Ellis for almost 9 months. There has been significant progress and from both technically and from a performance criteria, my daughter has benefitted from Adriene’s wide knowledge of music and is now able to confidently perform songs that suit her voice and personality. I find Adriene and excellent teacher, committed to bringing out he best in her pupils.”

Miss E J 13 yrs : Singing Teaching Testimonial: “I have been learning singing with Adriene Ellis for about 3 years. For my first festival, I won my class for the set piece and the Joint Cup. Since then I have been in for many festivals, including Oxford Festival, for which I won the class, and was one mark off getting the cup. I have 3 cups and one plate from the Chalfont and Chesham festivals. Adriene has taught me many different types of song e.g. folk, oratorio, operetta, show songs etc. as well as some Italian German and French songs.”

Miss A S 9 yrs: Singing Teaching Testimonial: “I go to singing at Miss Adriene’s; for more than 5 months now, since I was 9. I am considering doing all my grades with her. Miss Adriene teaches me with a big sense of fun and joy. In just 2 to 3 weeks she managed to teach me how to joyfully sing my school solo and came to the performance to support me. Miss Adriene is very kind because she always checks on me if I need anything. Miss Adriene has a great spirit and loves to make me laugh. I absolutely love singing and Miss Adriene makes it even better.”

Mrs M A – Primary School Teacher : Singing and Piano Teaching Testimonial: “Adriene is an exceptional instructor. She is very observant about what my daughter is doing and is capable of doing, then sets her lessons accordingly. She is positive during lessons and supportive outside of lessons when N has any performances. N has started with just a desire to learn piano and singing, but under Adriene’s instruction and encouragement, has developed a confidence to perform, has a well rounded knowledge and appreciation of music, and has a determination to continue to learn. (in a short time) She has received distinctions in her first ABRSM piano (143) and singing exams. We will so miss Adriene’s instruction when moving (abroad).

Miss C S 12yrs – Singing Teaching Testimonial: “Adriene is a really supportive and encouraging teacher. As I was 12 yrs old, looking for a singing teacher, it was nerve racking making the initial contact the phone; however Adriene put me at my ease straight way, and was warm and welcoming towards me. Her manner has enabled my confidence to grow. Adriene adapts her lessons to suit the stage and ability I am at. She is also open to all genres and is able to teach them; she is patient and has a great sense of humour, so that when mistakes are made, I don’t feel uncomfortable, but realise this is all part of the learning process. I recommend Adriene as a music teacher wholeheartedly.

OPERA COACH TRIPS: Bucks Examiner Press Article – Basil Ashmore: “Amersham’s Adriene Ellis, who has made a name for herself locally as an experienced soprano, has begun a scheme of her own, to allow opera-lovers to visit large scale productions of operatic masterpieces. Last week she organised two coach parties to enable the public to travel comfortably to hear Welsh National Opera in La Boheme, R Strauss’ Woman Without A Shadow, and from Chesham a trip to hear her ex student Ryk Burnett make his West End debut in Chicago”.

STUDENT CONCERTS CRITIQUE: Bucks Examiner – Basil Ashmore: “Young Artists Show Talent – Adriene Ellis’ tenth concert at the Elgiva Hall Chesham given by so many of her numerous pupils, that the individual items numbered no fewer than 49. Such a wealth of music made it difficult to mention more than a handful of youthful artists involved, but all, including the tiny tots, created a highly varied and very interesting programme. Adriene Ellis has once again proved that she knows how to find and to encourage local talent.”

More information and critiques on the Alexandra Trio page.
