Shared Ideas – Healthy Eating

After emailing brothers and sisters to share possibly helpful recipe etc tips, they suggested that Adriene starts writing a Blog. Instead of blogging or twittering, that hasn’t yet been studied, some hopefully useful ideas, will be written up here, and expanded with time, for those with an interest.

Optimum health is crucial for a successful Musical Career and for a Singing Career especially, because one’s own body is THE instrument.

Inspired by nursing creative sister Pauline to eat a rainbow of colours, Adriene bought and read the following:

  • You are what you Eat
  • The Food Doctor
  • The Food Bible
  • Rosemary Conley book on – Lower Fat Cooking.
  • Foods that Harm and Foods that Heal

All Adriene’s thought are strictly for personal reading and development with no commission for mentioning these books, and no she can hold no responsibility for your following any advice from here. Please refer to: NHS nnd for authoritative and qualified recommendations and to your own nutritionist and Dr for your personalised needs.

The Mediterranean Diet is frequently quoted and cited as being the most health giving. (Some recipes to be included later).

Reading somewhere that each cigarette shortens life by 11 minutes, and that it can age the skin as too much sun and coffee Adriene avoids these. Reading somewhere ( a Times Supplement?) that sugar can shrink the part of the brain responsible for memory, sugar is probably best kept to a minumum. Someone told Adriene that Wine and Alcohol is “Liquid Cake/Sugar. From a New Scientist article, Adriene remembers the words that “Chocolate is more addictive than Heroin”.

WATER: A Weimar Professor mentioned that more problems, than many realise, are caused by lack of drinking water i.e. pure water filtered boiled and cooled IF necessary to help general health and skin.

EXERCISE and FRESH AIR: crucial for optimum health and skin. Spanish Flu patients reportedly did better being moved for some time outdoors compared with those that remained always indoors.

BREATHING: SINGING demands almost athletic stamina. It must be good for overall general health too; for heart, lungs, clearing of sinuses as well as for lifting the spirits. Flute playing, as blowing any instrument, helps singing which is more strenuous. As Thai Chi and breathing exercises are recommended for ANXIETY, all the blowing on any instrument and singing must help, as well as being fun and productive. A professional Opera Singer needs an exhale length of at least 30 seconds!

Brisk walks even help, but runners and swimmers, it has been noticed have easier and better singing breathing. As the Italians say “Singing is Breathing”. Healthy Body = Healthy Mind. It has been noticed that sporty students also seemed to focus and fare better both musically and academically.

Gardening is in every way a wonderful hobby, peaceful to be at one with nature and with something to feed all the senses. For those in the city with little or no garden a wonderful way to share and brighten others’ lives is via

Perhaps if of value, Adriene’s healthy food ideas will be written up gradually.
