Piano Lessons Testimonials

Originals can be seen on request.

Adriene enjoys teaching piano to all levels, helping many students to achieve ABRSM examination distinctions. Piano is one of the best instruments to start on for overall musicianship, crucial for those wishing pursue the music profession and compose to a high level, and a very good stepping stone to learning other instruments.

POSSIBLE ACHIEVEMENTS: One of Adriene’s late Teenage Piano Student “V B” with dedicated practice, in 26 hours of hour lessons, was able, if slowly, to play all of Beethoven’s bon bon “Fur Elise”. This student then went on to achieve the best marks with their university musical degree. An inspiration to other aspiring musicians, this generous young student, on leaving, gifted to Adriene a reference-shelf-book “Piano for Dummies” – actually quite a technical reference book.

Mrs V W BA Hons: Piano Teaching Testimonial:Adriene has taught my two daughters (aged 9 and 11) for 3 and 5 years respectively.   Both children have had outstanding success in their ABRSM piano exams, achieving distinctions in all their grades (to now grades 4 and 6, these last 2 grades achieved in 2 terms only) so far.  This is particularly impressive as they do not come from a musical background! Adriene’s teaching is exemplary.  She provides challenge, but also makes the learning such fun. My girls have very different personalities and Adriene is incredibly sensitive to this, skilfully adapting her approach to ensure maximum success for each child. The rigour, breadth and depth of Adriene’s teaching has made an enormous impact not only on their musical ability but also on their capacity to learn more generally.  Adriene listens carefully to any concerns or difficulties and works with such compassion and empathy.  She sets challenging but achievable targets and gives excellent feedback.  We all thoroughly enjoy Adriene’s lessons and could not be happier with our experience”.

ZOOMING: With C19 restrictions, keen to learn and dedicated to practice, but unable to visit violin shops to purchase an instrument, these sisters improvised with homemade cardboard violins and knitting needles to learn basic bowing techniques and the full range of chromatic violin notes. They then began studying ABRSM grade one violin scales and pieces, enabling the elder to join her first orchestra within the first year. Vaccai’s Italian singing method, all scales and arpeggios were studied and sung to help their confidence in aural exam tests. This was all via Zoom (see Verses Tab, via Art Cards for Adriene’s poem inspired by this). Apart from Distinction prizes, the girls won many intermittent prizes for achieving set short term goals. With the triangle of supportive proactive parent/s, willing dedicated student, and qualified patient teacher success is most secure.

Mr C R S – Piano and Flute Teaching Testimonial: “I write to confirm that I have known Adriene Ellis for some 8 years now. From enquiries I made, Adriene was recommended as a music teacher, and I would have no hesitation in making a similar recommendation myself. Quite apart from her musical ability, her enthusiasm and unfailing good humour are remarkable, and from a personal point of view, my daughter, whom Adriene taught, advised and helped, would be nowhere advanced as she is, had we gone elsewhere for tuition, Adriene has taught her singing, flute and piano. As a family, we count ourselves fortunate to know her.”

Mrs T P – Piano Teaching Testimonial: “Adriene has taken my daughter to grade 8 and my younger daughter is now starting on Grade 8 pieces. They have both played in local music festivals, church concert and Miss Ellis’ own concerts. Miss Ellis is a very enthusiastic teacher who makes learning enjoyable”.

Mrs M A – Primary School Teacher – Piano and Singing Teaching Testimonial: “Adriene is an exceptional instructor. She is very observant about what my daughter is doing and is capable of doing, then sets her lessons accordingly. She is positive during lessons and supportive outside of lessons when N has any performances. N has started with just a desire to learn piano and singing, but under Adriene’s instruction and encouragement, has developed a confidence to perform, has a well rounded knowledge and appreciation of music, and has a determination to continue to learn. She has received distinctions in her first ABRSM piano (143) and singing exams. We will so miss Adriene’s instruction when moving (abroad).

Mrs J W – Piano and Singing Teaching Testimonial: “Ms Adriene Ellis is my children’s piano and singing teacher. Under her supervision and guidance, my children have enjoyed their music lessons immensely and have each attained distinctions in their exams. Ms Ellis encourages them at Music Festivals, where one of them won a silver cup for singing.”

Mrs J J – Piano Teaching Testimonial: “Ms Adriene has been an excellent piano teacher to our daughter over the last 3 years. Adriene has built a good relationship with V, and the importance of this is borne out by V having reached grade 4 in a relatively short period of time. V has always looked forward to her piano lessons with Adriene and needless to say, we are very sorry that this will no longer continue as Adriene is moving away from this area (Amersham, Buckinghamshire).”

Mrs C H – Piano Teaching Testimonial: “I have been studying piano with Adriene Ellis for 3 years which I have enjoyed immensely. I am in my late forties and felt I had left it too late, but through her experience and very patient coaching, I can now play the music I so enjoy. I can not speak too highly of Adriene as she makes her pupils feel very special.”

Mr K M – Piano Teaching Testimonial: “After 6 years of lessons, passing piano exams 1-5 and theory 1-3, I started lessons with Adriene to improve my music and achieve higher levels, which after a length of time with Adriene, feel this is possible, as Adriene has excellent teaching skills, is very patient and only wants the best for her students. I feel anyone who comes to Adriene for music lessons, whether it be for singing piano will only achieve the very best. It is easy with Adriene because she is very patient and brings fun to the lessons.”

Mrs A P M MA GTCL PGCE FISM University Lecturer in Music – General Teaching and Singing Teaching Testimonial: “I have know Adriene Ellis since our music student days at Trinity College of Music. I have also had the pleasure of accompanying Adriene’s exceptionally beautiful soprano voice in various London Concerts. Adriene is a superb teacher and she kindly gave my 12 year old son some wonderful coaching lessons for his grade 7 singing exam, even though she had a busy schedule and it should have been her day of rest. Adriene’s personality is warm and friendly, she would put even the most nervous pupils at ease. Her communication of technique, interpretation and presentation is outstanding. Adriene is one of the most dedicated professional musicians I know and a truly inspirational teacher”.

MUSIC TEACHING and CHARACTER Testimonial: Especially for Parents of Adriene’s youngest students, written for a Dubai Music School by colleague and brother Gregory Ellis FRAM: “Adriene Ellis is a highly accomplished and experienced teacher of singing, flute and piano with a proven track record of success with students of all ages. As her brother, I can attest to her great compassion and dedication particularly when teaching young people, her tenacity in the face of challenges, her creativity and enthusiasm, not to mention her very high standard of skill on her three instruments. We performed together professionally on numerous occasions in the past. She would be an asset to any forward looking school of music”. Gregory Ellis FRAM (leader RTE Vanbrugh Quartet – nb. You Tube: VQ CHI Christopher Marwood 5.57mins, VQCH2PT2 Christopher Marwood 7.12mins, Alexander Alyabiev-Piano Quintet The Vanbrugh Quartet and Olga Solovieva piano – 13.04mins, Music at UCC: RTE Vanbrugh Quartet with William Butt Schubert String Quintet 9.52 mins., RTE Vanbrugh String Quartet in Slane 18th October (nb students – rehearsing with metronome!), RTE Vanbrugh Quartet Classics, The Vanbrugh Quartet Discography: http://www.discogs.com, RTE Vanbrugh Quartet Beethoven Complete String Quartets on INTIM MUSIC, and on You Tube: RTE Vanbrugh Quartet Beethoven. Adriene, primarily a teacher who performs ever grateful to have spent any time performing with her incredibly busy performing and lovely brother Gregory, cherishes the few concerts they did together. Critiques on their performing together can be read on the Alexandra Trio page.

INSPIRATION: It is so important for students to listen to world class performers, for inspiration to practise and perform well themselves. Great musicians can be heard and seen in live performance in concert halls, International Competitions, Radio – Classical FM and Radio 3, CD, Film, and You Tube now. Watching musical movies can inspire too. Films on composers include those on Beethoven, Chopin, Franz Liszt, Robert Schumann, Johann Strauss and Grieg. These are ?…………., A Song to remember, Song without End, and Song of Love, The Great Walze, The Magic Bow and Song of Norway. Adriene the last hopes may be re done to best effect. A page on Favourite Films will be added later.

BACKGROUND – Adriene’s Piano Studies :

Starting piano lesson relatively late, aged 9 years, Adriene was encouraged to perform in mini Chorley concerts by singer/singing and piano teacher Peggy Stanway. Later Warrington, Padgate Teacher Training College teacher Enid Belshaw encouraged much performing in school concerts and Wigan Competitive Music Festivals. Having obtaining ABRSM Piano Grade 8 Distinction under Mabel Fletcher College’s Jacqueline Gracey, Adriene was invited to compete for a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music. Though having worked very hard on pieces and scales, aware of her limited sight reading, aural and performing experience, she didn’t pursue this. Having achieved Flute and Piano Teaching diplomas, Adriene focused on Teaching and Performing Singing Diploma work, and Singing Performances with some flute and a little piano.

For the youngest TINY TOT STUDENTS: An elder sister recently gave Adriene her letter written aged 6 yrs to Father Christmas asking for a “dolly, some chocolate money (Adriene still prefers chocolate to money), and a piano”. Brother John saw a local piano for sale and rolled it home up the hilly Chorley Lancashire road. With the youngest four of seven children (the eldest three being at boarding school) practising at home, a daily rota was needed to schedule practice before and after school. Very soon after finishing Trinity College of music Adriene managed, via odd jobs such as waitressing, to save up, choosing with the help of friend Zelda, and buy from London’s Camden Town piano showrooms her own first Boudoir Grand Piano, originally sold in 1939 from Harrods. This was an English made Challen piano. as seen in the main page photograph. This photograph Adriene has had made into a card via http://www.adreamsgreetingscards.co.uk (very much work in progress)

PIANO PERFORMANCE: Hearing friend colleague pianists’ James’ and Brian’s rendering of Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu, Adriene later practised and included this in her own modest concert performances at home and abroad, memorably playing in a Palace for a musical luncheon of Ambassadors Wives, when her vibrating fortissimos caused a beautiful photo frame to jump off the piano and crash to the floor. The most elegant kind hostess, put the very embarrassed Adriene at ease, insisting no need of her offer to replace it. Now quite busy with Angels Delight Flute Harp Duo mostly charity concerts, Adriene occasionally enjoys playing and practising some Chopin, Debussy, Galas, Granados, Schumann, and still inspired by Southlands, Chorley school days geography teacher Mr Winnard’s lunch break Liszt practicing, some favourite Liszt pieces. Inspired first by Southland’s Mr Winnard and Music Teacher Kenneth Hytch’s fun School Concert piano duets Adriene, encourages her students to play these with herself and other students.
