Performing – Singing – Critiques and Biography

Original critiques can be seen on request. Pictures to be added in later.

A Charity Concert in Lord & Lady Burnham’s Stately Home, Beaconsfield: “Adriene Ellis, who is well known for her recitals given in aid of similar Charities, seemed particularly fitted to appear in the beautiful long parlour at Lord and Lady Burnham’s Stately Home. This elegant ornate hall was filled to capacity and was even enhanced by Adriene Ellis’s appearance, which was visually attractive; she looked like an Edwardian Diva. In no time she had the audience participating singing, whistling and humming the most popular tunes. It was obvious that everyone around me had a glorious time. No living soprano is more popular in all types of music than Elly Ameling. Highbrows and lowbrows equally enjoy her unfailing use of Bel Canto. Adriene Ellis reminded me of Elly Ameling’s Art”.

Televised Recital invited by, and with organist Peter Barraclough in The Queen’s Church, the Anglican Cathedral in the presence of the State President of Malta and The British High Commissioner:Soprano Adriene Ellis, beginning with Malotte’s The Lord’s Prayer, in which she immediately established a fine rapport with the audience, who could not help admire her crystalline limpid tone, and the effortless way she reached her top notes. Moreover, in every piece, she had a warmth of expression that was very moving, especially in Handel’s Lascia che pianga (Rinaldo), Gounod’s taxing O Divine Redeemer, Pie Jesu from LLoyd Webber’s Requiem, had a very ethereal and devotional quality, elements hardly less present in Bach’s aria My heart ever faithful. It must be said that in spite of competition from the rain, Ms Ellis’ diction rang clear and true all the way. She concluded with the Alleluia from Mozart’s Exultate Jubilate, beautifully ornamented, articulate runs and fine breathing”. Albert Storace, Music Critic, The Times, Malta

From Mr G R Archer The British High Commissioner: “I thought I would write to you to let you know how much my wife and I enjoyed your performance today at St Paul’s Cathedral, Valetta. I know that our pleasure in listening to you was shared by the others present at the concert. It was a splendid way to end the week”.

Critique of Concert with and by kind invitation of Adriene’s student Baritone Richard Brooman: “Adriene Ellis made a charming first appearance with Cherubino’s song, sung with smiles not only in the face but in the voice. An enduring memory was the ease of the soprano’s florid bars near the end of “Bei Mannern”..(Magic Flute). This brilliant ring of voice in the upper register marked also her performance of Musetta’s Walz Song ( La Boheme). No single feature of the evening was more impressive than the clean “Take” of her high B’s, the famous aria from Gianni Schicchi had given a foretaste, for the high note there, which can so often sound strained in approach were of a lovely quality.” John Steane Music Critic – Opera Now & Gramophone Magazine

Wigan Music Society Critique: “Young Stars full of Promise – Gregory and sister Adriene Ellis accompanied by Enid Belshaw, the society’s Vice Chairman. Adriene was heard in intelligently planned groups of early Italian, French, Spanish songs and German Lieder. In the upper reaches, she commanded unstinted admiration by the way she adapted not only to the particular style of each group, but to the requirements of each constituent part. She was most effective in suggesting the cheery banter between the young man and his amused but firm young lady in Brahms’ Vegebliche Stanchen, in capturing and projecting the subtle moods and nuances of Faure’s Chanson D’amour, Fleur Jetee and Mandoline; and in conveying the spanish earthiness of Obradors’ Chiquittita la Nova and Al Amon. Gregory chose pieces which make formidable demands on the performer’s technique and call for the ultimate in virtuosity; Corelli’s Sonata no 12 in D Minor, La Folia, movements 1 and 2 of Bach’s B minor Partita and Paganini’s Caprice No 24 in A minor, revealed a powerful bowing arm, which can produce a big well nurtured tone and fingers which are remarkable dextrous. He gave an invigorating account of the Corelli. The playing was always keenly alive and admirably secure. It was in the Paganini that he found his most dazzling and appealing form, the quicker variations difficulty of staggering proportions. What was remarkable, was that someone so young attacked them with such bravura and confidence and that he managed to bring such a sublime expressiveness to the slow octave one.” Donald Hanson – Wigan Chronicle.

Adriene’s wonderfully supportive teachers Enid Belshaw and Margaret Heylings accompanied her earliest recitals in Lancashire. Enid had invited Adriene to perform on Cruise Ships Music Tours with her.

Singing Critiques may also be seen under Alexandra Trio and Charity Concerts.

BIOGRAPHY: After “shy” early days, with only a teenage tiny acting and solo singing role in Chorley Southlands School as the Dutch Doll in “Pinocchio”, “The Keeper” with brother and sister in the school talent show, and very late singing studies from age 19, Adriene was delighted to get onto the “Reserve List” for the Royal College of Music’s Opera Course. After enjoying beginner lessons with Jean Mitchell of Liverpool’s Mabel Fletcher, she sang Sophia in Edward German’s Operetta “Tom Jones” with Chesham Light Opera Company, excerpts as 1st lady in the Magic Flute for Trinity College of Music, Fidelio for Morley College Opera, and also studied Madam Butterfly for Wycombe Opera, and Rosina in a concert version of the Barber of Seville for Long Melford. Concerts with other singers, included in London Hampstead’s Burgh House, and fun ad hoc singing “Danny Boy – The Londonderry Air” sitting crossed legged at a business dinner table in Japan, with brilliant last minute improvising musicians in Budapest’s Bel Canto, “singing waiters ” resturant, to standing ovations in Sweden and Davos, Switzerland accompanied by a mouth organist in Davos Switzerland, at the International World Economic Conference Centre when unforgettably, after a 10 min ovation, the CEO Tom Melby leapt up onto the stage and tapped a Russian dance at her feet. Focus after this was more for Charity Concerts, presently with Celtic Harpist Anne Chorley, including their regular Angels Delight Flute Harp Duo monthly different themed concerts at Suffolk’s Long Melford Antiques and Interiors. Occasionally Adriene still performs a little singing and a modest violin rendering of Amazing Grace.

WANTED! Preferably very alive and in time, a pianist who would happily rehearse and accompany Adriene in some beautiful art songs, lieder, chanson, opera and operetta repertoire for Charity Concerts.
