Charity Concerts

Originals can be seen on request.

Adriene has performed mostly singing with some flute and piano including a modest beginners violin rendition of “Amazing Grace”, in numerable Charity Concerts for:

Many Senior Residential Homes, including in the London Richmond area, many WI’s (Women’s Institutes), Cruse Bereavement Care, The Blind Club Ashley Green, The Blind Association, The Lark Stroke Club, Save The Children, Chorley St May’s Young Wives and Union of Catholic Mothers, Soroptimist International, Suffolk Farmers Health Charity-, Suffolk Organists’ Association, St Nicholas’ Hospice of Suffolk, Third Age University, Refugee Orphans, London Federation Club for Young People, the Abbey of Worth, Churches and Church Restoration Funds including for Chesham Bucks Churches, Suffolk Long Melford Holy Trinity Church Bells Fund, Cathedral Charities including Friends of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral Choir, a televised recital in St Paul’s Cathedral Valetta, Malta, the International Ministerial Council of Great Britain, a highlight being asked to perform for the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, offered her own Concert Tour by the Church of England Deacon Mr Sami Habiby, and in amazement to be invited, as was Placido Domingo that year, to give her own concert for the Millennium Celebrations in Bethlehem.

A CD Cover of a Charity Concert to raise funds for Refugee Orphans

UK Charity Concert Critiques

Women’s WI Amersham Concert Critique: “…….the finale was a programme of songs and a flute item by Adriene Ellis, accompanied on the piano by Paul Beechey. Adriene’s bubbly personality and her sweet and powerful voice added a special enchantment to a really festive afternoon”.

Bucks County Council Social Services Dpt-Mrs Beckett – Officer in Charge – Charity Concert Critique : “All residents and Staff who participated have been singing your praises, and saying how much they appreciated the way you had prepared for the evening. It’s rarely that residents have the opportunity of seeing people in evening dress and they loved it, especially Mrs Wray, who I gather joined in the chorus of “Tit Willow”. Thank you again for giving up your valuable time and we hope that we may see you again.”

Please see for critiques of our Flute and Celtic Harp Concerts.
